


Q :

Does the system support trial periods for subscriptions?

A :

Not yet.

PayPal IPNs

Q :

How are incoming refunds handled?

A :

Groups Jigoshop handles those refund notifications that Jigoshop’s PayPal IPN
handler currently doesn’t support:

When an order is fully refunded through PayPal, the order is marked as
refunded in Jigoshop.
For partial refunds, the order will not change status but a note is added
about the refund.
Note that when an order for a subscription with setup fee has been paid for
through PayPal Pro, there are two charges – due to the way refunds are handled
(as explained above), the order will not be marked as refunded even after both
charges have been refunded through PayPal, it must be marked as refunded manually.
Also note that the corresponding recurring payment profile should be reviewed in
case it needs to be canceled.

PayPal Pro

Q :

Do I also need to purchase the PayPal Pro gateway for Jigoshop?

A :

No, this includes a PayPal Pro gateway that will handle orders with and without subscriptions.
If you are already using the PayPal Pro gateway for Jigoshop, you can keep using it though.

Q :

When there is no setup fee, the payment for a new subscription is not received instantly. Why?

A :

When there is no setup fee, the subscription is activated and no immediate payment is charged
on the Credit Card.

The first payment is processed by PayPal at a later point after the order has been placed.

Example: a one-day subscription with no setup fee, order placed at 12:33:59, first payment
arrives later at 13:34:33

Q :

How should I cancel a recurring payment profile?

A :

You should cancel it through your PayPal account. If you simply cancel the corresponding order
in Jigoshop, the recurring payment profile will not be canceled in your PayPal account.


Q :

Do I also need to purchase the Stripe gateway for Jigoshop?

A :

No, this will handle order with and without subscriptions.
If you are already using the Stripe gateway for Jigoshop, you can keep using it though.

Q :

Does this work without Javascript?

A :

No, customers must have Javascript enabled to be able to complete the order process.

Q :

What are the requirements to use the Stripe gateway?

A :

– SSL – please read
– PHP 5.2 or above
– the CURL PHP extension
– the JSON PHP extension

Q :

What credit card numbers can be used for testing?

A :


Q :

Are there any limitations for subscriptions with Stripe?

A :

– Subscriptions are valid until canceled, they can not be limited to a number of billing cycles.
Example: A subscription with payment due every 2 months until canceled is possible; a subscription that should end after 6 months isn’t.
– Subscription intervals can be weeks, months and years but not days.

Note that the Stripe payment option will not be offered if an unsupported subscription is in the cart.

Q :

How can I test recurring payments for a subscription without having to wait a week, month or year … the easy way?

A :

First purchase a subscribtion in your shop and complete the order paying through Stripe.
Then visit the Dashboard of your Stripe account, go to Subscriptions > Plans and select the latest plan that has been created (which of course should be the one you just purchased). Click on the subscriber and under Payments click Create Payment.
Assuming that you have correctly set the webhook (you have set the webhook, right?), the payment will be recognized and the payment counter of the subscription should have been increased. You can locate the payment counter of the subscription back in the admin section of your site under Groups > Subscriptions, it’s the first number in the Cycle column.

Note that the testing procedure outlined here:
can’t be used with the system because we do not support trials for our subscriptions (yet).

Q :

How are incoming refunds handled?

A :

Refunds for orders without subscriptions, subscription orders and suborders created for recurring payments related to a subscription are handled:
– A full refund marks the order as refunded and a note about the refund is added to the order.
– A partial refund will not change the status of the order, but a note is added recording the partial refund.

Note that these apply when you issue a refund from your Stripe dashboard and you have added set the webhook correctly.
If you mark an order as refunded from within your WordPress installation, the payment is NOT automatically refunded through Stripe.

Q :

How should I cancel a subscription?

A :

You should cancel it through your Stripe account. If you simply cancel the corresponding order
in Jigoshop, the subscription will not be canceled in your Stripe account.