
Groups Subscriptions



This product has been discontinued. We recommend to use Groups WooCommerce and WooCommerce Subscriptions instead.



Groups Subscriptions is a subscription framework for Groups.

Groups Subscriptions is included with Groups PayPal.

Subscription Overviews


  • Integration with Groups PayPal.
  • Subscription products define terms and pricing. A dedicated subscription menu provides the facilities to define subscriptions.
  • Shortcodes provide a complete checkout experience for subscriptions through PayPal Payments Standard.

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Subscription Info

The settings can be adjusted in Groups > Subscription Settings.

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 Payment grace period

The grace period determines how long after payment due a subscription will be allowed to be active until suspended. This is an approximate value and the actual time a subscription will be active in this case may vary.

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If enabled, this option creates a file in


with debugging information.

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In user profiles

Groups Subscriptions allows to display subscription information on user profile pages (enabled by default but can be turned off).

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The [groups_subscriptions_table] shortcode allows to display information about a user’s subscription.

It supports the following attributes:

  • status : The subscription status, defaults to active. It can be a comma-separated list or *for all subscriptions. Valid values are active, cancelled, completed, expired, inactive, suspended.
  • user_id : Defaults to the current user’s id, accepts user id, email or login to display information about a specific user.
  • show_count : If info about how many subscriptions are listed should be shown. Defaults to "true".
  • count_0 : Message for 0 subscriptions listed.
  • count_1 : Message for 1 subscription listed.
  • count_2 : Message for n subscriptions listed, use %d as placeholder in a customized message.
  • show_table : If the table should be shown. Defaults to "true".
  • columns : Which columns should be included. Defaults to all columns. Specify one or more of subscription_id, processor, reference, status, dates, cycle, description, groups, order.