

Install and activate the WooCommerce Group Coupons plugin.


A new menu item WooCommerce > Group Coupons gives access to several options that can be adjusted:

WooCommerce Group Coupons Admin

  • Automatic group coupons – enabled options to apply coupons automatically based on group memberships.
  • Coupon error message – allows to customize the notice shown when a customer tries to apply a coupon code
  • Roles – enables role restriction options.
  • Logout – to completely remove any coupons applied to a cart after a user logs out.

New coupon settings

Once the plugin is installed and activated, coupons will show additional settings:

Groups – limit the coupon to group members

Only members of the selected groups will be allowed to use the coupon. If no group is selected, the coupon is not restricted to any group members.

WooCommerce Groupons - Coupon Detail - Groups

Automatic application – apply the coupon to group members automatically

The coupon will be applied automatically to members of any of the selected groups.

It’s important to note that this does not limit the coupon to group members, anyone could use the coupon – it will just not be applied to anyone automatically. If the coupon should only be available to members of the selected groups, you must also limit the coupon to these groups.

WooCommerce Groupons - Coupon Detail - Automatic

Roles – limit the coupon to roles

Only users who have one of the selected roles will be allowed to use the coupon. If no role is selected, the coupon is not restricted to any roles. It’s worth noting that for example an Administrator will not be allowed to use a coupon that is restricted to a Contributor and vice-versa. If you want several roles to be able to use the coupon, you must check each role here.

WooCommerce Group Coupons Roles

Coupons Overview

The limiting groups, groups for which coupons are applied automatically and limiting roles are displayed in the Coupons section:

WooCommerce Group Coupons

Displaying Coupons

To display a coupon, the [group_coupons] shortcode is used.

WooCommerce Group Coupons Showing Discount

Use the shortcode by embedding it on a page where you want to show the coupons handled by the extension to your customers.

Coupons are displayed when valid (validity is based on the user account, coupon settings and the shortcode settings).

Shortcode attributes

  • color : defaults to blue, also supports redgreenyellow for built-in styles and other values for custom CSS rules
  • order_by : defaults to code, also accepts id
  • order : default to ASC, also accepts DESC
  • auto : defaults to no, whether coupons that are automatically applied should be included, use yes to include those
  • groups : defaults to yes, whether coupons that are limited to groups should be included, use no to disable
  • roles : defaults to yes, whether coupons that are limited to roles should be included, use no to disable
  • show_cart_invalid : defaults to true, coupons that require cart conditions to be valid should be included although the current cart does not meet those conditions, use false to disable
  • stylesheet : indicate a URL to load a custom stylesheet, when empty will not load a stylesheet, defaults to null and loads the stylesheet with built-in styles
  • show_discount : By default, coupons show the type of discount. Use show_discount="no"to disable that.


Default – The default version will display coupon codes that are valid based on the user’s group memberships and roles:


Only auto – To only display coupons that are applied automatically:

[group_coupons auto="yes" groups="no" roles="no"]

Only roles – To display coupons that are valid for the user based on roles only:

[group_coupons auto="no" groups="no" roles="yes"]

All group coupons – To display coupons that are valid for the user based on groups and roles:

[group_coupons auto="yes" groups="yes" roles="yes"]