

Screen Shot 2015-03-20 at 14.22.56Installation

The extension is installed by using the latest plugin zip file which you will download via your account’s Downloads.As a general good practice when installing new software on your site, we recommend to make a full backup of the site and its database.

Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload and upload the Groups File Access extension, using the latest plugin zip file you have obtained as indicated above, – then activate the plugin.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the installation instructions for add-ons.


  • Review the extension’s settings in the Groups > File Access section.
  • Manage protected files in the Groups > Files section.
  • Use the shortcodes provided by the extension to embed download links for group members on your pages or posts.

Groups File Access is recommended to be run in a *nix environment on an Nginx or Apache HTTP Server. Other setups are possible, but may require additional manual configuration.

The tutorial How to protect Amazon S3 Files with WordPress for Members provides detailed steps on how to configure and use Groups File Access and Amazon S3 together.