
Groups Restrict Categories

groups-restrict-categoriesGroups Restrict Categories is an extension based on Groups to restrict access to whole categories and their related posts. Beyond categories, it also allows to control access to other taxonomies like tags or those that are provided by third-party extensions in the form of custom post types and taxonomies.


  • Restrict access to specific Categories
  • Restrict access to specific Tags
  • Restrict access to custom taxonomies, like Product Categories and Product Tags
  • Restrict unauthorized users from seeing or visiting posts in restricted taxonomies that would normally appear in widgets

The following video gives a quick overview on how this extension is used, we recommend to watch it first and then review the documentation below.

Please note that starting from Groups 2.x and Groups Restrict Categories 2.x, access control is based directly on groups, although legacy access control based on capabilities as shown in the video is still supported.

You can purchase this extension here.

Groups Restrict Categories MenuDocumentation