
Itthinx Updates

Some of our plugins require the Itthinx Updates plugin, a valid Service Key and User Account to receive automatic updates.

Itthinx Updates provides automatic updates for plugins by itthinx. A valid Service Key and user account are required. Please visit the Service Key page to obtain a Service Key.


The Itthinx Updates plugin can be installed via a link that appears automatically on your WordPress Dashboard.

Itthinx Updates installation prompt

It can also be installed manually in case that is required (this may be required on some setups where conflicting plugins are present – see the Troubleshooting section below). To install the plugin manually, click here to download it and follow the instructions given below except for clicking the installation link.

1) Click the Please install the itthinx updates plugin link to install it.

If you haven’t installed the Itthinx Updates plugin, you can download it here – right-click the link and choose Save as …, then go to Plugins > Add New > Upload and upload the file. Then proceed to activate the Itthinx Updates plugin and enter your service key.

2) Activate the plugin.

Screen Shot 2015-02-18 at 18.01.27

3) On your WordPress Dashboard a new menu item is available after the Itthinx Updates plugin is installed and activated. Access the Settings option.

Screen Shot 2015-02-18 at 17.48.58

4) To obtain your service key, log in on the Itthinx Service Key page.

service key

5) Copy the service key that appears on that page and paste it in the field provided and hit Save.

Screen Shot 2015-02-18 at 17.49.42

Update Itthinx Updates

Itthinx Updates informs you about new versions available.

1) Click the update now button.

itthinx update new version

2) The plugin has been automatically reactivated.

itthinx updates reactivated



Conflicting Plugins

Mojo Marketplace

Some plugins like Mojo Marketplace interfere in the installation and update procedure of updaters such as our Itthinx Updates plugin. In those cases, you must either deactivate the conflicting plugin or use the manual installation process if available.

If, after clicking the installation prompt, you get this failure message …

Install package not available

… then it is very likely that you have a conflicting plugin installed.

A commonly known culprit is the case of the Mojo Marketplace plugin which is automatically installed on hosts like HostGator. If you find this on your WordPress Dashboard …

Mojo Marketplace… then the automatic installation procedure will not work. You must go to Plugins > Installed Plugins and deactivate this plugin:

Deactivate the Mojo Marketplace plugin

Once the plugin has been deactivated, you can use the automatic installation procedure. If the procedure still fails, or if you have another conflict on your setup that makes it impossible to install it automatically, click here to download it or right-click the link and choose Save as …, then go to Plugins > Add New > Upload and upload the file. Then proceed to activate the Itthinx Updates plugin and enter your Service Key under Plugins > Itthinx Updates.

Visser Labs Updater

Another plugin that interferes is the Visser Labs Updater.

Deactivate the Visser Labs Updater

Proceed as indicated above and deactivate that plugin to be able to use the installation and update process normally via the Itthinx Updates plugin.


If your site’s wp-config.php contains a line that defines the WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL constant, make sure to either remove the line or define it as false:

define( 'WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL', false );

If you need to keep WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL set as true, you must use the constant WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS which is used to allow requests to certain hosts. You should include * to allow access in your wp-config.php:

define( 'WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS', '*,*' );

See also:

Connection and DNS Issues

If your server has problems connecting, e.g. when you find entries like this one in your debug.log:

PHP Warning: An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server's configuration.

… then this might be related to the constants explained above, or to issues with resolving hosts. Find out the IP addresses of these hosts using e.g. ping, and add them to your server’s /etc/hosts :


Add the IP addresses to your server’s /etc/hosts :
