


The constant determines whether the system will log debugging information to the debug.log. By default, the constant’s value is false. You can enable extended debugging information by defining the constant in your site’s wp-config.php as true.

In this case, you should also enable general debugging so that the information is actually written to the debug.log in your site’s wp-content folder:

define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
define( 'AFFILIATES_DEBUG', true );

Once debugging has been finished, it is recommendable to remove these constant definitions from your site’s wp-config.php or set them to false.


If this constant’s value is true, the system will log information about hits on affiliate links that come from robots. While you want this to happen, you should also enable debugging as shown for the AFFILIATES_DEBUG constant.

The default value for this constant is false.


This constant provides the default value for the affiliates_record_robot_hits filter. The value of this constant is false.